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美国俚语 感激:留学美国,你需要了解的常用俚语

来源:互联网 时间:2023-10-26 10:46:58 浏览量:





1. "Piece of cake"

"Piece of cake"这个俚语意为“小菜一碟”,表示某事轻而易举。

例句:I thought the test was going to be difficult, but it turned out to be a piece of cake.

2. "Hang out"

"Hang out"指的是休闲聚会或者闲逛,常用于邀请朋友一起出去玩。

例句:Let's hang out this weekend and grab some dinner together.

3. "Catch some Z's"

"Catch some Z's"是指睡觉或休息。

例句:I'm so tired after a long day, I really need to go home and catch some Z's.

4. "Hit the hay"

"Hit the hay"意为睡觉,常用于口语中。

例句:It's getting late, I think I'm going to hit the hay.

5. "Hangover"


例句:I had too much to drink last night, now I have a terrible hangover.



1. "Break the ice"

"Break the ice"意为打破僵局、破冰,用于指开始一个对话或交流,常用于结识新朋友。

例句:I introduced myself to the new students in order to break the ice.

2. "Party animal"

"Party animal"指的是热爱参加派对、聚会的人。

例句:She's such a party animal, she goes out every weekend.

3. "The real deal"

"The real deal"是指事物的真实本质或真正的东西,用于形容某人或某物非常优秀或真实。

例句:This car is the real deal, it's fast and reliable.

4. "Hit it off"

"Hit it off"是指两个人非常合得来,能够很好地交流和相处。

例句:We met at a party and immediately hit it off.

5. "Have a blast"

"Have a blast"意为玩得开心、尽情享受。

例句:We had a blast at the concert last night.



1. "Cram"


例句:I need to cram for my final exam tonight.

2. "Brainstorm"


例句:Let's brainstorm some ideas for our group project.

3. "Ace"


例句:I studied hard and aced the exam.

4. "Nerd"


例句:He's a real nerd, always buried in books.

5. "Back to the drawing board"

"Back to the drawing board"是指回到起点,重新开始或重新考虑问题。

例句:Our plan didn't work, so it's back to the drawing board.



1. "Nine-to-five job"

"Nine-to-five job"是指上班时间从早上九点到下午五点的工作。

例句:I work a nine-to-five job at a software company.

2. "Brownie points"

"Brownie points"意为额外加分或额外好感,用于形容某人因某种行为而得到额外好处。

例句:I helped my boss with a project and earned some brownie points.

3. "Throw someone under the bus"

"Throw someone under the bus"是指出卖某人或将某人置于困境中。

例句:He threw his coworker under the bus to save himself.

4. "Water cooler talk"

"Water cooler talk"指的是在办公室里的闲聊或社交。

例句:I heard some interesting gossip during water cooler talk.

5. "Workaholic"


例句:He's a workaholic, always staying late at the office.



1. "Broke"


例句:I can't go out tonight, I'm broke.

2. "Frenemy"


例句:She's my frenemy, we have a complicated relationship.

3. "Yuppie"


例句:He's a yuppie, he works in finance and wears expensive suits.

4. "Foodie"


例句:She's a foodie, she's always trying new restaurants.

5. "Small talk"

"Small talk"指的是闲聊,通常用于会议期间或初次见面时的轻松交流。

例句:We made some small talk before the meeting started.



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