纽约大学(New York University)简称“nyu”,是一所位于纽约的世界著名私立综合性研究型大学。纽约大学由18个学院和研究所组成,已经成为全美国境内规模最大的私立非营利高等教育机构之一,同时也是美国唯一一座位于纽约心脏地带的私立名校。
纽约大学SPS学院是指School of ProfessionalStudies,即纽约大学继续教育学院。纽约大学SPS学院一开始是专为美国在职人士和退伍军人提供培训设置的,课程类似技能培训,主要满足学生在生活,工作中的学术和专业需求。
有很多学生都会认为NYU SPS学院会“水”,其实在你还迷失在这种以往的认知时,SPS23年秋季,以下专业已经悄悄提升了难度,增加了kira面试:
(1) MS in Executive Coaching and Organizational Consulting
(2) MS in Human Capital Analytics and Technology (STEM)
(3) MS in Human Resource Management and Development
(4) Executive MS in Marketing and Strategic Communications
(5) MS in Integrated Marketing
(6) MS in Public Relations and Corporate Communication
(1) 常规题:
1 自我介绍。
2 Why NYU?
3 What do you wanna learn from this program?
4 Career goal & career plan after grad?
5 How this program help your future career?
6 你对我们的学校课程了解多少?
7 如何将本科学到的知识技能运用在未来的学习工作中?
8 闲暇时间的爱好是什么?
9 有没有来过美国?
(2) 拓展题:(仅供参考)
1 Tell me about a time when you were working with a perse group of people and you had to make a decision that not everyone was on board with. What did you personally do in this situation. and what was the outcome?
2 If you have not worked in a perse team what would you do to achieve the best outcome?
3 Choose either integrity ethics or sustainability(or a combination), and talk about the way this concept is important in creating a marketing strategy. Why does it resonate with you specifically?
4 Tell me how you would determine how manypeople are talking on their cell phone at this instant in New York City. When providing your answer,please state all of you assumptions, and walk us through your strategy in detail.What three piece of information would you need to havebefore actually solving this problem?
5 Describe what a flower is to someone who has never seen or heard of one before. Please walk us through your thinking. What are the possibilities? What different strategies could be used to solve this problem?
1 中英文正式成绩单。
2 不需要提供GMAT/GRE(学校保留要求提供的权利)。
3 英语成绩托福100+/IELTS7.0+。
4 个人简历。
5 两封推荐信。
纽约大学SPS学院申请难度的逐步提升,也让同学们看到它的真正实力。这个学院下还有像项目管理(Project Management)、金融规划(Financial Planning)、管理与系统(Management and Systems)等热门项目,有些更是同学们热衷的STEM项目。虽然这些项目身处SPS学院,也丝毫不影响一大批申请人千里奔赴。对这些项目感兴趣的同学们,别再犹豫啦!