首页 > 知识问答 > 【NSW】提醒各位留学生谨防“中国警察”骗局


来源:互联网 时间:2024-09-08 21:08:59 浏览量:


校方最近收到警方提醒,称有骗子通过电话,手机应用程序,以及其他电子通讯渠道联系学生,并对学生谎称自己是中国警察。 如果你接到过此类电话或信息,请立即通过以下任何一种方式寻求帮助: 

致电02 9385 6000联系新南威尔士大学安全及交通处(unsw Security an Traffic),或亲自到位于学校Gate 2的保安室,保安室一周7天,一天24小时为同学们服务; 

致电1800 333 000向新南威尔士州警方报案!   

在此,我们也想提醒同学们,接到此类电话务必保持头脑,不要轻信盲信,不要随意透露个人信息,以免上当,造成损失。 如有进一步信息,我们会及时通知大家。 


WARNING CHINESE POLICE SCAM Dear Stuents Police have recently alerte UNSW to a scam that involves stuents being contacte by phone, app, an other technology channels, by people claiming to be Chinese Police. At this stage, stuents are avise to report any such contact immeiately to one of the following numbers: UNSW Security an Traffic - 02 9385 6000 or in person at 24⁄7 Gate 2 Security Office NSW Police - 1800 333 000 We will upate you with any further information as it becomes available. Tara Murphy Senior Manager, UNSW Security an Traffic.

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