伦敦大学学院(University College London,简称:UCL),1826年创立于英国伦敦,是一所公立研究型大学,为伦敦大学联盟的创校学院、罗素大学集团和欧洲研究型大学联盟创始成员,被誉为金三角名校和“G5超级精英大学”之一。
伦敦大学学院始建于1826年2月11日,最初的名字是”伦敦大学“(London University)。鉴于当时英格兰仅有的两所大学——牛津大学和剑桥大学都是严格意义上的教会学校,伦敦大学学院立意成为带有宗教性质的大学之外的世俗选择。伦敦大学学院从一开始就是作为一所综合性大学来被创办和发展的,而不是单纯的学院或研究机构。
Architectural and Interdisciplinary Studies, BSc:£32,100
Architectural and Interdisciplinary Studies with Year Abroad, BSc:£32,100
Architecture, BSc:£29,000
Architecture, MSci:£29,000
Engineering and Architectural Design, MEng:£29,000
Urban Planning and Real Estate, BSc:£32,100
Urban Planning, Design and Management, BSc:£32,100
Urban Studies, BSc:£32,100
History of Art, BA:£26,200
History of Art, Materials and Technology, BA:£26,200
Fine Art, BA/BFA:£35,000
Advanced Architectural Research, PG Cert:£10,700
Architectural Computation, MSc:£32,100
Architectural Computation, PG Dip:£21,400
Architectural Design, MArch:£35,000
Architectural History, MA:£32,100
Architecture, MArch:£29,000
Architecture and Historic Urban Environments, MA:£32,100
Bio-Integrated Design, MArch/MSc:£32,100
Cinematic and Videogame Architecture, MArch:£35,000
Design for Manufacture, MArch:£32,100
Design for Performance and Interaction, MArch:£32,100
Global Urbanism, MASce:£29,000
Landscape Architecture, MA:£32,100
Landscape Architecture, MLA:£29,000
Situated Practice, MA:£29,000
Space Syntax: Architecture and Cities, MSc:£32,100
Urban Design, MArch:£35,000
City Planning, MPlan: £24,200
International City Planning, MSc: £32,100
Urban Design and City Planning, MSc: £32,100
Urban Design and City Planning, PG Dip: £21,400
Fine Art, MFA/MA: £32,100