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哥伦比亚大学商学院 MBA全日制项目

简答(50字内)What is your immeiate post-MBA professional goal?

Essay 1(500字内):Through your resume an recommenations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to ate. What are your career goals over the next 3-5 years an what, in your imagination, woul be your long-term ream job?

Essay 2(250字内):Why o you feel Columbia Business School is a goo fit for you?

Essay 3(250字内):Who is a leaer you amire, an why?

可选 Essay(500字内):Is there any further information that you wish to provie the Amissions Committee? If so, use this space to provie an explanation of any areas of concern in your acaemic recor or your personal history.'

哈佛大学商学院 MBA全日制项目

主 Essay(无字数限制):As we review your application, what more woul you like us to know as we consier your caniacy for the Harvar Business School MBA program?

宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院 MBA全日制项目

Essay 1(500字内):What o you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA?

Essay 2(400字内):Describe an impactful experience or accomplishment that is not reflecte elsewhere in your application. How will you use what you learne through that experience to contribute to the Wharton community?

附加 Essay(主要针对重新申请人,首次申请人也可以用此解释任何想说明的情况,250字内):Explain how you have reflecte on the previous ecision about your application, an iscuss any upates to your caniacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, aitional coursework, extracurricular/volunteer engagements).

纽约大学 Stern 商学院 MBA全日制项目

Essay 1 主体类别:Professional Aspirations(500字内,双倍行距,12磅字号)

What are your short an long-term career goals?

How will the MBA help you achieve them?

Essay 2 主体类别:Personal Expression(用 6 张照片/图形/图像和相应标题向招生委员会和未来的同学描述自己,FDF形式)

A brief introuction or overview of your “Pick Six” (no more than 3 sentences).

Six images that help illustrate who you are.

A one-sentence caption for each of the six images that helps explain why they were selecte an are significant to you.S

Essay 3(附加信息,可选,250字内,双倍行距,12磅字号)


芝加哥大学 Booth 商学院 MBA全日制项目

Essay 1(不少于250字)How will the Booth MBA help you achieve your immeiate an long-term post-MBA career goals?

Essay 2(不少于250字)Chicago Booth immerses you in a choice-rich environment. How have your interests, leaership experiences, an other passions influence the choices in your life?

附加信息(申请中任何需要进一步解释的信息,300字)Is there any unclear information in your application that nees further explanation? If so, please use this section to clarify.

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