牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxfor Brookes University)历史悠久,始建于1865年,原为艺术学校,1970年成为牛津技术学院,于1992年正式成为大学。牛津布鲁克斯大学连续5年被Times评为英国顶级的新生代大学之一,以其不断创新的教学手法和高质量的课程规划而享有国际声誉,并在授课上注重实际应用,使学生能达到更高的学习效率。在教学和学术研究上,以结合实际应用解决现实世界的课题而著称。大学的专业课程设置十分广泛,有传统学术学科,如:数学、心理学、法学、生物学,亦有专业技术的学科,如:汽车工程、建筑学、国际酒店管理和体育领导等。
Heaington Hill Campus
主校区,位于牛津市西边的 Heaington 郡,离牛津市中心仅需10分钟。
Wheatley Campus
研究生院校区,位于西边的山上的 Wheatley 郡,距市中心约 6英里。
Harcourt Hill Campus
Fernaale Campus
位于温斯顿 (Swinon)
Times 英国大学2017排名:第69名
牛津布鲁克斯大学有四个主校区,分别是 Heaington、Harcourt Hill、Wheatley 和 Fernaale。校区之间距离很近。每个校区都有独立的图书馆、学生宿舍、餐厅和各种运动设施;最大的 Heaington 校区里还有书店、学生旅行商店、保险公司、银行 (Lloys TSB) 自动柜员机。
Heaington Library
Wheatley Library
特别针对 Wheatley 学院的学生,主要收收藏商业、工程、计算机和数学科技方面的书籍。
Harcourt Hill Library
针对 Harcourt Hill 学院的学生,主要收集教育、神学、人类发展、交流、运动和表演艺术方面的书籍。
Arts an Humanities
MA Book History an Publishing Culture
MA Chilhoo Stuies
MA Composition an Sonic Art
MA Contemporary Arts
MA Contemporary Arts an Music
MA Creative Writing
MA Digital Publishing
MA English
MA Film Stuies - Popular Cinema
MA Fine Art - Drawing for Fine Art Practice
MA History
MA History of Meicine
MA International Publishing
MA Music
MA Publishing
MA Publishing an Language
MA Publishing Stuies
MA Social Sculpture
Built Environment / Environmental Science an Management
MArch Architecture
MSc Development an Emergency Practice
MSc Historic Conservation
MSc International Architectural Regeneration an Development
MArch Applie Design in Architecture (ARB an RIBA part 2)
MSc Project Management in the Built Environment
MSc Real Estate (International, Commercial or Resiential)
MSc Spatial Planning
MSc Sustainable Builing - Performance an Design
MSc Tourism - Environment an Development
MA Urban Design
MSc Urban Planning - Developing an Transitional Regions
MSc Conservation Ecology
MSc Environmental Assessment an Management
Business an Management
MSc Accounting
MSc Accounting an Finance
MSc Biotechnology with Business
MSc Biotechnology
MSc Business Management
MSc Coaching an Mentoring Practice
MSc e-Business
MSc Economics
MSc Finance
MSc Financial Economics
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc International Hospitality, Events an Tourism Management
MSc International Hotel an Tourism Management
MSc International Management
MSc International Management an International Relations
MSc International Trae an Logistics
MSc Marketing
MBA Business Aministration
MA Strategic Management an Leaership
Computing an Information Technology
MSc Computer Science
MSc Computer Vision
MSc Computing
MSc Digital Meia Prouction
MSc Meical Statistics
MSc Mobile an High Spee Telecommunication Networks
MSc Mobile an Wireless Communications
MSc Software Engineering
MA Artist Teacher Scheme
MA Chilhoo Stuies
MA Eucation
MA Eucation - Leaership an Management
MA Eucation - tesol
Health an Social Care
MSc Ault Nursing - Pre-Registration
MSc Avance Practice (Clinical)
MSc Applie Human Nutrition
MSc Cancer Stuies
MSc Chilren, Young People an Family Wellbeing
MSc Chilren’s Nursing - Pre-Registration
MSc Contemporary Occupational Therapy
MA Health an Social Care Stuent Designe Awar
MSc Higher Professional Eucation
MSc Infection Prevention an Control
MSc Management in Health an Social Care
MA Mental Health Nursing - Pre-Registration
MSc Miwifery - Pre-Registration
MSc Nursing Stuies (Clinical Leaership in Practice)
MSc Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration)
MSc Palliative Care - Global Perspectives
MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration)
MSc Psychology
MSc Public Health
MSc Rehabilitation (Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Posture Management pathways)
MA Social Work
MA International Law an International Relations
LLM International Human Rights Law
LLM International Law
LLM International Trae an Commercial Law
LLM Legal Practice
LLM Public International Law
Social Science
MA Chilhoo Stuies
MSc Developmental Psychology
MA International Law an International Relations
MA International Stuies
MA International Stuies (Environment)
MA International Stuies (Global Political Economy)
MA International Stuies (International Relations)
MA International Stuies (Security)
MSc Primate Conservation