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来源:互联网 时间:2024-06-19 13:06:37 浏览量:

时隔14年,美国时间2019年6月16日,苹果公司现任CEO库克(Tim Cook)再次接棒,在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上为毕业生们做了精彩演讲,在给毕业生送上祝福的同时,给现场学生三个建议:勇于承担责任;保持谦逊,踏实地做一个建设者;在创造价值的同时,找到属于自己的人设。

Be a builer


Now, a lot of you – the vast majority – won't fin yourselves in tech at all. That's as it shoul be. We nee your mins at work far an wie, because our challenges are great, an they can't be solve by any single inustry. No matter where you go, no matter what you o, I know you will be ambitious. You wouln't be here toay if you weren't. Match that ambition with humility-a humility of purpose.


That oesn't mean being tamer, being smaller, being less in what you o. It's the opposite, it's about serving something greater. The author Maeleine L'Engle wrote, “Humility is throwing oneself away in complete concentration on something or someone else.” In other wors, whatever you o with your life, be a builer. You on't have to start from scratch to buil something monumental. An, conversely, the best founers – the ones whose creations last an whose reputations grow rather than shrink with passing time – they spen most of their time builing, piece by piece.

谦逊并不意味着驯服,让自己的世界变小,或者做得更少。正相反,谦逊服务于更大的目标。 作家Maeleine L’ Engle写到:“谦逊是不管自己,完全专注于某件事或某个人。”换句话说,不管你这辈子做什么,做一名建设者。你不必从头建造一座了不起的建筑,相反,最好的创办人,那些拥有不朽创造和随时间流逝名望却不断增长的人,将大部分时间都花在建设上,积跬步成千里。

Builers are comfortable in the belief that their life's work will one ay be bigger than them – bigger than any one person. They're minful that its effects will span generations. That's not an accient. In a way, it's the whole point.


In a few ays we will mark the 50th anniversary of the riots at Stonewall. When the patrons of the Stonewall Inn showe up that night – people of all races, gay an transgener, young an ol – they ha no iea what history ha in store for them. It woul have seeme foolish to ream it. When the oor was buste open by police, it was not the knock of opportunity or the call of estiny. It was just another instance of the worl telling them that they ought to feel worthless for being ifferent. But the group gathere there felt something strengthen in them. A conviction that they eserve something better than the shaows, an better than oblivion. An if it wasn't going to be given, then they were going to have to buil it themselves.


I was 8 years ol an a thousan miles away when Stonewall happene. There were no news alerts, no way for photos to go viral, no mechanism for a ki on the Gulf Coast to hear these unlikely heroes tell their stories. Greenwich Village may as well have been a ifferent planet, though I can tell you that the slurs an hatres were the same. What I woul not know, for a long time, was what I owe to a group of people I never knew in a place I' never been. Yet I will never stop being grateful for what they ha the courage to buil. Grauates, being a builer is about believing that you cannot possibly be the greatest cause on this Earth, because you aren't built to last. It's about making peace with the fact that you won't be there for the en of the story.


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